Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vegetable Almond Fried Rice with Fried Eggs

We wanted something quick and tasty for dinner. I was craving Chinese, so I made some vegetable fried rice, tossed in some slivered almonds and topped it all off with some fried eggs. We weren't sure what to expect, but were pleasantly surprised with the result. This was delicious and I would definitely make it again! I rate this recipe a 10!

My vegetable Fried Rice Recipe:

2 Cups Prepared White Rice - cooled
2 TB Olive or vegetable oil
2 TB Soy Sauce
2 Cloves Garlic
1 TB Honey
1 Tsp Chinese Ground Ginger
3 Scallions
2 TB Sliced Almonds
Black Pepper
Bag of Frozen Stir-fry Veggies

Heat oil in skillet. Add chopped garlic and scallions. Cook for 2 minutes until golden. Add soy sauce, honey and ginger. Stir well. Transfer mixture to bowl. Add white rice to hot pan and brown lightly. Add back sauce and veggies and sliced Almonds. Cook another 2 minutes until veggies are hot. Top with soft fried eggs. Finish with a little cracked black pepper. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fajita Style Grilled Chicken Over Cheesy Polenta

Dinner was delicious tonight! We're stuffed, but in a good way :) I whipped up some cheesy instant polenta and grilled our favorite Trader Joe's Chili Lime Chicken Burgers. I topped it all with some Trader Joe's Cuban Style Black Beans, sautéed peppers and mushrooms, guacamole salsa verde, and sour cream. Woo! Spicy stuff, but oh so creamy and comforting. Thanks to Trader Joe's, dinner rocked! I would rate this meal a 9.

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's Pizza Night

So I went to Trader Joe's the other night to pick up some of my favorite prepared things. Something new caught my eye in the refrigerated section: Garlic and herb pizza dough. Sounded very tasty, so I picked up a bag, along with some part-skim mozzarella, spicy turkey sausage, and a carton of mushrooms.


Tonight when we got home from work, I realized I didn't have any marinara on hand. No worries! I had a can of diced tomatoes in the pantry. So I quickly whipped up my own marinara by sautéing the tomatoes with garlic, olive oil, basil, S&P and a pinch of brown sugar. Tasty!

I stretched the dough, and it felt pretty soft and elastic. Pretty good for being in a bag for 2 days or more. I sauced it up, sprinkled on the cheese and toppings ( I added some chopped red onion to the mix) and put it in the oven 425 degrees for 15 minutes.

Here's the result. Crispy crust on the edges. A bit doughy in the center. Cheese was slightly on the rubbery side, lol. Let's just say it wasn't the best pizza I ever made. But it still beat the heck out of frozen boxed pizza. The garlic and herb crust had a sweet aftertaste. The red onion and turkey sausage gave it so much flavor. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate this pizza a 7. Would I buy the garlic and herb dough again? Probably not. I'll stick with my whole wheat honey dough : )

Sunday, June 27, 2010

First Blog : )

This is my first blog : ) Welcome to "The Melvis Kitchen". Wonder where I came up with that name? Melissa + Ervis ( my hubby) = Melvis. Interesting, I know.

I will try to post new recipes & photos each night of the week. Wish me luck!